Does it bother you when people say "White wash to ethnic people"


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I find it annoying and offensive when people say you should act more like your own race (black, asian, native american, etc) instead of acting white. Asian and Black people can be big fans of Nascar, X-man, Hockey, and American Football as well.

I guest it can be the same for white people who make fun of other white people for watching anime, playing Japanese RPG, and reading Manga, and calling them "cultural confused".
it would piss me off if someone told me off that I was doing wrong or being weird for liking Asian things. So I would hate people who say that kind of things.
I dunno, I get told that I'm "doin' it rong" for having a Northern accent, even though I reside in the Southern US. It's rather annoying to be called "that weird guy". I would imagine it would be worse than that for people of other races to be told to act their own race. I've always firmly believed that everyone should act in a respectable manner, no matter the race, gender, age and disability. That's just personally me though.
Oh yes. It pisses me off, I have been told by my neighbors in the past, that I am trying to act White because I got good grades in high school, and I chose to go to college, instead of being yet another baby factory in the neighborhood. I have been told the same because I straighten my hair. They think that I should wear the natural look. When they saw me with my ex, they had a field day, and asked me if it was better on the White side of the fence, and if they should "upgrade" too..

I have discovered that the people who say things like this, are idiots who have their own hangups about race, and they are just projecting their issues on to others.
Oh yes. It pisses me off, I have been told by my neighbors in the past, that I am trying to act White because I got good grades in high school, and I chose to go to college, instead of being yet another baby factory in the neighborhood. I have been told the same because I straighten my hair. They think that I should wear the natural look. When they saw me with my ex, they had a field day, and asked me if it was better on the White side of the fence, and if they should "upgrade" too..

I have discovered that the people who say things like this, are idiots who have their own hangups about race, and they are just projecting their issues on to others.
Race matters for nothing. At the end of the day, this person will be good or bad, not based on their race, but on how they view things, which is based on how they're raised.
Oh yes. It pisses me off, I have been told by my neighbors in the past, that I am trying to act White because I got good grades in high school, and I chose to go to college, instead of being yet another baby factory in the neighborhood. I have been told the same because I straighten my hair. They think that I should wear the natural look. When they saw me with my ex, they had a field day, and asked me if it was better on the White side of the fence, and if they should "upgrade" too..

I have discovered that the people who say things like this, are idiots who have their own hangups about race, and they are just projecting their issues on to others.

Strange, that some people of the same race make fun of people of their own race for going to college to do something with their lives instead of seeing them as a good person to look up to and as a good exampple. Plus, there are also Black colleges in the US, and black people who went to college and became successful like : P.Diddy, Obama, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Condoleezza rice, and many more.
It doesn't really bother me. Our town has a lot of Asian (East and West), Caucasian and African Americans (lack of latinos) so race isn't such a huge deal. There's a lot of asian pride and you can see racial cliques. Like I have a caucasian friend who like the rest of my Asian friends is completely entranced by Korean things (even though I am Korean and have minimal interest). Being adopted though, me being Korean, my sister being Guatemalan and my two parents being caucasian it's hard struggling with race. I mean people look at us oddly and there has been some discrimination of course throughout time. There are both positive and negative stereotypes and pretty much everyone knows stereo types aren't exact. So I don't get what the big deal is about being" white washed" it's just cultural diffusion to me.
Being half-white/half-black I get stuck on a I act more like my (white) mother (who raised me)? Or do I act more black and get strange looks on account of my light (more Latino/Mediterranean) skin tone?