Does the internet make anyone else feel really old?


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I mean, I'm only in my twenties or so, and I still feel like I can't understand anything those kids and teens are interested in nowadays.

For one thing, I just don't get the appeal of most of these social networks even today. I mean Twitter? Fair enough. Youtube? Okay. Facebook? I surprisingly don't use it but get the appeal to a degree. But stuff like Tumblr is just... I have no idea what the hell people find interesting in it.

And Miiverse? Yeah, I'm sorry, I see nothing of value in that service at all. Ah no, I still prefer the old way Nintendo's forums used to work. Multi coloured usernames, a sage rank with a Triforce pin and Nintendo of America staff 'interacting' with the community (or acting like complete idiots, take your pick).

As for the gaming world in general... I still kind of miss the days when people cared about more than bloody sales figures. When people just thought 'hey, my console is better than everyone else's and so must be objectively superior!'. Or when fan sites were the in thing and everyone had some gaming related pseudonym and pithy site names were in the format '[character name]'s [place name]'.

So yeah, does anyone else feel like this? Like they're basically turning into Cranky Kong and have no idea what younger gamers and people even like any more?
I understand. Three years ago I found Memebase, and I was the first person in my school to use it. Then it became popular. Since graduating, everyone started using tumblr, which I can't figure out, and reddit, which I'm not even sure what it is.

Then there's MiIverse, which on paper was a good idea, but it was executed poorly. There's too many... Nope I won't way it.

Long story short, yeah the internet makes me feel old.
I do miss the prevalence of fansites on the web. Now everything is part of some bigger corporation that reels in the ad money. I'm tired of all those sites that are just click bait articles "Top 10 games with baseball bats!" or "10 secrets you didn't know about Mario Kart!".

The internet does not make me feel old though... I understand why most things are popular.
It does. For me, because of the internet, of someone crosses their teens, then they are old. I feel so old all the time as most of the people, I meet online are teenagers. It's just that I like feeling old in a way. It's not possible to explain that in words

I'm the same way. I'm not that old but there are some things on the internet that I don't understand or even know what it is. These kids these days though, it seems that they are born with a cell phone attached to their ears. So I'm not surprised that they can figure out what all this stuff is.