Does using wireless headphones use less battery life than wired headphones?


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I feel some wireless headphones like newer Bluetooth headphones may use less battery power from a phone or tablet battery than wired headphones which may use more battery life if the headphones use more power.

Wireless headphones also has its own battery. Wireless Bluetooth signals may not use a lot of power because it is a digital signal compared to wired headphones which use an analog signal.
I believe they do but wireless earphones need to be charged frequently.

I tried to get one but their backup time is just to low and I need something that can lasts for at least 12 hours or so.
Not sure how you think that. Wireless would be another thing running meaning more power is being used.
Not sure how you think that. Wireless would be another thing running meaning more power is being used.

I haven't tested if my phone would have better battery life by using 3.5mm or wireless headphones, so I'm not sure which type of headphones make a phone battery last longer.

3.5mm headphones uses some power to make the headphone's speakers move to play music and audio from the audio signal.

All Bluetooth and wireless headphones has a built-in battery for running the speaker, so the speakers don't get its power from the battery on a phone.

I think many lower quality cheaper 3.5mm headphones are not as loud, so user's need to set the volume on a smartphone or laptop to a higher volume to have loud audio.
All Bluetooth and wireless headphones has a built-in battery for running the speaker, so the speakers don't get its power from the battery on a phone.

Even though the speakers have built in batteries, it still makes the phone use its battery, as it’s constantly transferring information of the audio track via Bluetooth to the speakers. There’s a reason why the phone has to still be on when you use Bluetooth.