PC/Mobile Dota 2 Immortal Treasure III: Is it a Bug or Something Far More Sinister?


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According to the official blog, The Immortal Treasure III brings forth Immortal items for Shadow Shaman, Dark Willow, Queen of Pain, Batrider, Zeus, and Naga Siren. In addition to these, a very rare Golden version of the Queen of Pain Immortal and an ultra-rare bundle for Witch Doctor is also included.

A majority of the Dota 2 community is complaining about the unfair drop rates for the Immortal Treasure III. These complaints are mostly targeted towards the ultra-rare item of the treasure, Masque of Awbleb Bundle.

It seems players who have spent a lot of money in the game, leveling up their Battle Pass beyond the 600 mark have not been getting the Immortal bundle for Witch Doctor.

Now, this could be a bug in the update or worse, it could be a scam to further increase the prize pool as the only people who are affected by this are the ones who have spent a lot of money. Since there is a chance that those players will spend more, in hopes of getting their hands on the ultra-rare.