Dragon Age III


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It looks like Dragon Age III is a thing that is happening.

It doesn't really come as a surprise, but creative development director Allistair McNally sent out a call-to-arms last night that BioWare is actively seeking an environment artist for a third installment in the Dragon Age series. No additional information on the game itself was provided, but if you're interested in applying for the job, if looks like you will be packing your bags and heading on up to Edmonton, Canada.

"I'm looking for exceptional environment artists to join me at #BioWare Edmonton, Canada to work on #DragonAge3 #gamejobs #jobs #3D #artists"


Well it doesn't come as a shock to me either that they would already be working on a third installment of Dragon Age after the success of the first two games. I am sure it is a bit far off in the distance before they make it and finish it, but I guess I need to get a move on as I haven't gotten a chance to pick up the second game and play it only got to play the demo of it.
I hope they add more features! The last two games were amazing and intense. If the whole gaming world is bigger, then its sure to attract some people.