Dragon Ball Xenoverse DLC


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Bandai Namco Games and Dimps have revealed that they are already working on three post-launch DLC packs for the upcoming fighter Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

The DLC will add more characters, costumes, and missions. They'll be available individually for $10 USD each, or can be bought together through a Season Pass for $25.

The first DLC pack has an expected release date of March. It will contain three playable characters: GT Goku, Pan, and GT Trunks. It also adds four Time Patrol quests, 12 quests, 15 special movies for players' avatars, and five costumes.

Release date and content details for the remaining two DLC packs are "coming soon."

Dragon Ball Xenoverse will be available on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC via Steam, with a slightly delayed release date of February 27. The fighting game sees your custom-created character travel through time in the single-player story; new characters were revealed earlier this week

DLC and a DBZ game, that won't bold well for wallets.
ugh, I hate DLC when used the wrong way.

Its great to have DLC made AFTEr the game has been out for say a month or so and you have had your fill of it.

But to have DLC announced so early....why couldn't they have added this to the game in the first place?

Capcom are the worse offenders of this kind of practice with instead of having content that could have easily been on the game in the first place they instead decide to release it as DLC to make some extra cash.

DLC is fine and dandy when developers make it after the game has been released for a while to give players something new and fresh to try out.