Dragon Ball XenoVerse


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Tried to get this game today for a friend and its sold out everywhere! So I take it this game is pretty good?
I have it and its great.

Its a complete mix of a DBZ Tenkaichi fighter and a Online Dragon Ball RPG.

The roster is pretty solid although a lot smaller than Tenkaichi 3 and 2, there is a lack of notable transformations and characters such as Super Vegeta,Ultimate Trunks(long haired) King Cold, Frieza form 2,3,and Mecha,Cooler,Turles, and the list could go on. And its weird considering most of the missing transformations or characters could have very easily been in the actual game since they have the entire clothes and models as customization parts for characters like Turles,Cooler,and Lord Slug and yet for some reason decided to not add them to the game.

Also the Super Saiyan transfomation is a bit underwhelming, like say your custom character's hair is downward, once you go through most of the game to finally get the ability to turn Super Saiyan you'll find out that it does not change your hair but only gives you a slight boost in stats and a gold aura, makes it feel like a knock off super saiyan rather than a real one, I'm just warning you so won't go through what I did to get it only to be disappointed.

But other than that the game is great, The storyline is a fresh and new take on the Dragon Ball mythos and the gameplay is like a much improved version of Tenkaichi 3.

But like other online rpg games this game starts to get boring once you hit level 80 and have done all the parellel quests, it took me a week to get everything done and now I'm just waiting on mofe quests to get released, I'm particularly  looking forward to the GT quests that are being added.
Demon_Skeith said:
I hear some of the battles are bad though, like frustrating bad.

Has the online been fix yet? I hear people keep getting kicked out of the server.
Oh yea some of the battles can get like that, especially later in the story when you fight villains like Frieza and Cell who are pretty damage sponge with having attacks bounce off of them and ki blasts past right through them.

Also Frieza sometimes likes to spam the Death Ball move which actually can track you which makes it pretty darn hard to dodge and to top it off its pretty darn powerful.

So in short Frieza is the worst of the bunch, other than that the bosses in the game are a simple hard challenge and nothing more, hardcore fighting game lovers will find the challenge great given the years playing games like Mortal Kombat,Street Fighter, or King of Fighters which all have bosses that tend to kick your ass lol.

Also another low point is some battles within the storymode have you getting jumped by multiple enemies and your partner AI usually is pretty useless and sometimes has to be kept alive during the onslaught and since you can not get other online players to join with you during these missions you may have to resort to going back and grinding to level up which shouldn't be all that big of a deal for anybody used to playing mmorpgs and having to go back and grind.

But the good thing is with online you can go and do parellel quests higher than your level (assuming no one kicks you off) with other players and level up pretty darn fast.

Also another tip I can give is that once you get to the Spirit Bomb Parellel quests involving Kid Buu it would be best to keep on playing that mission over and over until you get the Planet Destoryer ultimate attack, with this attack it makes the game A LOT easier since its not only powerful but also tracks enemies which gives you a 90% chance of hitting whoever it is your locked on to and if you a saiyan using the super saiyan transfomation you can spam this attack up to 6 times in a row if you have you Ki level up enough.

But regarding your online question, I have had very few problems joining up with other players to do parellel mission quests within the single player lobby but there is still some players I hear getting kicked out of the multi Lobby due to the high amount of player flooding it. I haven't had a problem with getting kicked out of the multi lobby in the past few days, its certainly better than what they had when the game first came out.