Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'


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So I finally saw this anime film and overall I mostly enjoyed it, though the use of CGI kind of ruined it in places like how they made the dragon balls look when used.

The idea behind this was pretty good, though I only wish Frieza survived but I guess the new anime series kind of fixes that.

So anyone here see this DBZ movie?
Saw it and the animation style was better than the subsequent TV series which pretty much just reprises the events from the movie. It was nostalgic to watch the adventures of Goku and the gang again (after 10+ years). I don't really like what they are doing with the plot though: it's becoming obvious what Goku's destiny is (SPOILER: Guardian deity of the Universe). Insane power levels were already a problem in DBZ, now they are becoming self-contradictory: what's the point of kung-fu fighting in space, if you have so much power to destroy stars from afar?

I would've preferred if they aimed to bring back the original DB feel (not merely continue with Z). I would also introduce something new into the story, instead of simply relying on the good old 'fighting tournament' as a separate saga.
Overall it was fun to watch but not without plot holes.

Frieza was able to exceed blue haired super saiya god mode in raw power in just 4 months of training. Previously he was only on bar with freshly developed super saiya 1. In just 4 months, he was able to 20x or maybe 30x of his power level. That is a little bit extreme even if he had never trained before and was born with the power level he had. I mean I remember in the manga he did mention he trained or at least had some practice with his dad, which resulted in he was covered in dust... he mentioned this in his fight with Goku on Nemak that Goku was the second person made him covered in dust.

Anyway, what's more of a big plot hole was the power level of Frieza's strongest two soldiers. (excuse me I might be confusing the movie with the Super series), one of the soldier in the movie was able to fight on bar with Piccolo who should be able to kill the old full powered Frieza while sleep walk. Piccolo after the time chamber training should be at least on bar with the semi-perfect cell, and this is more than 10 years afterward. The movie is telling us that two of Frieza's soldiers have the power level to slap Frieza around with a pinky back on Nemka? Highly unlikely. Not to mention that in the movie or in the super series it was said that the two soldiers were on the bar with Zaborn and Dodoria. Even after 4 months of training, how can they achieve this level of power?

There are many ways to make the story believable, but somehow the author did not care about the plot holes at all.

Majiin Buu was also sleeping through the whole incident... He took only 5 seconds nap back in Buu series. That was enough sleeping time for him, but somehow all the sudden he has to sleep for hours/days and nobody can awake him? Not even blast him into pieces to make him regenerate back to awake form? lol
They had to bring Frieza back but I felt as though he wasn't nearly as strong as he could've been. We already know how it will always end, so we are going to need much better story lines now.
I guess the newer audience that didn't grow up DBZ/GT anime is still into the plot but my generation hasn't seen much that could top Trunks coming back from the future and Gohan surpassing everyone for a brief moment.
I really think that Gohan should've remained a main power because there is so much that they could've done with the story line then. I would've loved to see an evil Goku be destroyed by his son a few times, It would've made things a bit more interesting but I digress.
The Film was good but not nearly as good as when Frieza first showed up and Goku became a supersayajin. The whole brand needs a makeover if you ask me.
Overall it was fun to watch but not without plot holes.

Frieza was able to exceed blue haired super saiya god mode in raw power in just 4 months of training. Previously he was only on bar with freshly developed super saiya 1. In just 4 months, he was able to 20x or maybe 30x of his power level. That is a little bit extreme even if he had never trained before and was born with the power level he had. I mean I remember in the manga he did mention he trained or at least had some practice with his dad, which resulted in he was covered in dust... he mentioned this in his fight with Goku on Nemak that Goku was the second person made him covered in dust.

Anyway, what's more of a big plot hole was the power level of Frieza's strongest two soldiers. (excuse me I might be confusing the movie with the Super series), one of the soldier in the movie was able to fight on bar with Piccolo who should be able to kill the old full powered Frieza while sleep walk. Piccolo after the time chamber training should be at least on bar with the semi-perfect cell, and this is more than 10 years afterward. The movie is telling us that two of Frieza's soldiers have the power level to slap Frieza around with a pinky back on Nemka? Highly unlikely. Not to mention that in the movie or in the super series it was said that the two soldiers were on the bar with Zaborn and Dodoria. Even after 4 months of training, how can they achieve this level of power?

There are many ways to make the story believable, but somehow the author did not care about the plot holes at all.

Majiin Buu was also sleeping through the whole incident... He took only 5 seconds nap back in Buu series. That was enough sleeping time for him, but somehow all the sudden he has to sleep for hours/days and nobody can awake him? Not even blast him into pieces to make him regenerate back to awake form? lol

Yeah the movie was full of plot holes and just some BS to do it the way it was done. I think the major one they missed was saying Frieza was golden from Goku giving him some of his power back on Nemak, would have made things flow more better.
I can't watched the video since it's not available in my country as it says. But since I'm a fan of DBZ I'm excited :)
Yeah the movie was full of plot holes and just some BS to do it the way it was done. I think the major one they missed was saying Frieza was golden from Goku giving him some of his power back on Nemak, would have made things flow more better.

Yeah. Frieza's super doped power up in just 4 months is actually the least of the plot holes. At least they tried to cover it up with the saying Frieza had never trained in his lifetime and he was born with the power level he had during full power up on Nemak. Although it was conflicting with Frieza's own saying (in manga) of he was covered in dust during practice with his dad, but at least Frieza was indeed light years ahead of everyone else until Goku came along.

Future Trunks was able to kill Frieza within seconds. To achieve this kind of feat, Trunks was at least 50% stronger than Frieza if not more than double. And Android 17 took Trunks down with a single hit (it was said the future android was on the bar with Trunks, but the same Androids in this timeline somehow have double that power). Piccolo after fused with Kami was fighting evenly with Android 17. That was enough said... Piccolo right after fused with Kami could have made Frieza on Namek his pet since he had at least 3~4 times the power level of full powered Frieza. After his training in the time chamber, Piccolo got another large boost. Now all the sudden he couldn't even beat Frieza's soldier. (In super series it was worse that the guy ripped his arm off...) Captain Ginyu was Frieza's strongest man and he only had a power level of 120k. Frieza was at 530k in his first form, over 1 million in his second form. It was said his full power was at 120 million... 1000 times stronger than Captain Ginyu.

I think it is actually quite sad that the author try to make everyone else useless to in order to give Goku the spotlight. By doing so, the logic failed on so many levels. They even went as far as letting Master Roshi to fight, but Yamcha was nowhere to be found who should be at least 1000 times stronger than Roshi at that point. Made Buu "sleeping" is another attempt to give Goku the spotlight. Gotenks showed up but timed out and de-fused right away in front of Frieza (in Super) was also ridiculous.

In the old Z series, number also does not matter. As a single strong character far above everyone else could use a single large attack to wipe out everyone along with the planet if he/she wishes. Yet, all those small fish Frieza brought were giving the Z fighters some troubles. Even if all of them were on the bar of Zaborn and Dodoria (impossible... more like in the range of 1,000~3,000 at most), the human fighters alone could have beat them all. Piccolo should have been able to blow them all away with a single cough.
Yeah. Frieza's super doped power up in just 4 months is actually the least of the plot holes. At least they tried to cover it up with the saying Frieza had never trained in his lifetime and he was born with the power level he had during full power up on Nemak. Although it was conflicting with Frieza's own saying (in manga) of he was covered in dust during practice with his dad, but at least Frieza was indeed light years ahead of everyone else until Goku came along.

Future Trunks was able to kill Frieza within seconds. To achieve this kind of feat, Trunks was at least 50% stronger than Frieza if not more than double. And Android 17 took Trunks down with a single hit (it was said the future android was on the bar with Trunks, but the same Androids in this timeline somehow have double that power). Piccolo after fused with Kami was fighting evenly with Android 17. That was enough said... Piccolo right after fused with Kami could have made Frieza on Namek his pet since he had at least 3~4 times the power level of full powered Frieza. After his training in the time chamber, Piccolo got another large boost. Now all the sudden he couldn't even beat Frieza's soldier. (In super series it was worse that the guy ripped his arm off...) Captain Ginyu was Frieza's strongest man and he only had a power level of 120k. Frieza was at 530k in his first form, over 1 million in his second form. It was said his full power was at 120 million... 1000 times stronger than Captain Ginyu.

I think it is actually quite sad that the author try to make everyone else useless to in order to give Goku the spotlight. By doing so, the logic failed on so many levels. They even went as far as letting Master Roshi to fight, but Yamcha was nowhere to be found who should be at least 1000 times stronger than Roshi at that point. Made Buu "sleeping" is another attempt to give Goku the spotlight. Gotenks showed up but timed out and de-fused right away in front of Frieza (in Super) was also ridiculous.

In the old Z series, number also does not matter. As a single strong character far above everyone else could use a single large attack to wipe out everyone along with the planet if he/she wishes. Yet, all those small fish Frieza brought were giving the Z fighters some troubles. Even if all of them were on the bar of Zaborn and Dodoria (impossible... more like in the range of 1,000~3,000 at most), the human fighters alone could have beat them all. Piccolo should have been able to blow them all away with a single cough.

One merely needs to enjoy DBZ and not think about it really. One reason I love Team Four Star because they do the thinking but in a humorous way.
Man, I loved this film which I was so excited to see being a Vegeta fan. But the turn out was so bad that it completely ruined the entire purpose of the movie. I mean, Akira says he wants to make it Vegeta based but doesn't let him be the final nail in Freezas coffin, WHAT? and to make matters worse they didn't even correct it in the TV series just like they never gave fans SS3 Vegeta. These were just epic fails in my opinion and he could say anything he wants but if the ultimate goal was to sell Toys then how a SS3 Vegeta wouldn't be profitable is beyond me.

I guess people just don't have good business sense these days.