Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker Review


Full GL Member
This is probably by far one of the best Pokemon-like games I've played. Not only because it was in 3D, but because the whole gameplay was awesome.

Gameplay 9/10
I'll dare to say that this game is a mix of Dragon Quest, Pokemon and Shin Megami Tensei. Why the latter? Because you get to fuse your monsters and carry over stats and abilities, which I believe is pretty awesome, and has been lacking in the Pokemon games.

Obviously, like most Dragon Quest games, you'll be in for a lot of grinding if you want to stay alive. The monsters are not only hard to kill, but also hard as hell to scout. And as usual, your best friends will be metal monsters that dish out large amounts of EXP.

Similarly to Pokemon games, there are awesome (legendary) monsters that you can either kill or scout, the latter being preferred but also much much harder.

So between the scouting, fusing and puzzles to advance the story, you probably wont be getting bored.

Sounds and Graphics 9/10
The sound of the game is simply awesome and fits perfectly with the mood of the different environments of the game. There's not much to add about this, but it does the job just fine.

Graphics-wise, while it is not the best looking DS game, it is by far the best-looking DS game in a 3D environment.
The design of the monsters remained unchanged and typical to the series, and as usual, the player and all the npc's are DBZ characters look-alikes.

Overall 9/10
You might have noticed that I didn't rate the story. Thats because with the exception of a couple of scenes, the story part is pretty much inexistent, similarly to game of the Pokemon series.
The game also continues after you finish the main story (tournament) and you have the option to Catch 'Em All!!
Nice review. I didn't play monsters joker but I played monsters joker 2. I liked it.
I agree. Scouting was HARD! I couldn't get many legendary monsters.