DuckDuckGo Passes 3 Million Searches, Just 8 Days After Hitting 2 Million


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Another week, another traffic record in the alternative search engine space. (DDG) tweeted this morning about its latest milestone: more than three million direct searches in a single day.

As the company’s traffic page shows, it happened on Monday when DDG had 3,095,907 “direct searches.”


Congrats to Duck Duck Go. I personally like DDG more because it loads search results faster on slower connections, and there are fewer things like maps, image results, and other stuff I usually don't need when I am searching online.

There is also no auto search, and auto suggestions which can get kind of annoying when the auto suggestions are not good.
Just people trying it out, I'll be impressed if they can keep it up.
Demon_Skeith said:
Just people trying it out, I'll be impressed if they can keep it up.
I think it's probably a rejection of Google. I personally used DDG for a bit, albeit only because Linux Mint forced it upon me as the default browser, and did not like it.
I agree most likely it is a rejection of Google Search, and Google's services like YouTube which also has a video search engine.

It also is a rejection of Yahoo, Bing, Aol, and other search engines which shared information with the US government for the NSA's PRISM spying program which collect's user's data from popular US sites like Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Yahoo.

Plus, Microsoft Bing Fans who maybe Microsoft Xbox fans may switch search engines after feeling betrayed by Microsoft for making the Xbox One come madatory with Kinect 2.0 camera, Online Only, and no Used Games. Plus, there are reports that Microsoft is giving away information to the US government on how to hack Skype, and Windows with backdoors installed on MS programs.

Skype's Official NSA Backdoor lets US NSA spy on Skype members:

That means it's highly likely that vulnerabilities in Microsoft products are routinely being used to break into foreign governments and companies for the purpose of various kinds of espionage.
Microsoft Windows Security problems shared with US Government: