Duke Nukem Multiplayer Modes


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According to scans of Official Xbox Magazine, upcoming FPS Duke Nukem Forever will feature four multiplayer modes: Dukematch, Team Dukematch, Capture the Babe and Hail to the King (a variation on King of the Hill).

Here are the nuts and bolts:

* 8 Player maximum, two teams of four-players.
* 10 maps at launch, including maps designed to play while Duke is shrunken to tiny size.
* Jetpacks in some maps!
* Confirmed weapons; pistol, shotgun, ripper chaingun, pipebomb, rpg, shrinker, railgun, freezer, devestator, tripbomb. Can only use 2 primary weapons at once along with pipebombs and tripbombs.

Overall, it seems like the idea is a return to the most time-tested, classic gaming multiplayer modes, with a Duke feeling to make the whole thing more fun.

Now for the point of controversy: Capture the Babe mode (Duke's version of CTF), features capturing of the a woman belonging to the other team. Apparently, as you carry her around, she "freaks out" and must be reassured with a "gentle slap." According to OXM, the domestic violence is more "goofy than offensive," so I'm going to reserve judgement until I actually can play it.


sounds good :D