Dungeon Siege


Well-Known Member
Dungeon Siege used to be popular game (hack & slash) back in 2003 and afterwards. It has 3 main sequals and few extra additions besides it. I think the game is fine, mostly second part with power customization.

Anyone played?
Dungeon Siege III was pretty fun. With some nice story choices too.

and with nice PLOT size lol
Dungeon Siege III was pretty fun. With some nice story choices too.

and with nice PLOT size lol
Most fans of DS would agree that DS3 was garbage and not likable at all. It went that far to say that it doesn't exist at all. And I would agree with that statement. It completely killed the idea of two previous games because they went after some new style games to keep up but it failed.
The game itself was actually pretty fun imo but the problem was the Dungeon Siege Franchise already had devoted fans and purists, so if they called the game something else and not related to the franchise it would not have had that issue. It's the same kind of problem I have with FF 16. FF 16 is totally different from the core FF formula, a party based RPG first and foremost.
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