E3 2014


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It's been a good week for us gamers but like everything it must come to an end. E3 2013 has closed it's doors to a attendance record of 48,200 people and billions of online viewers which earn them over 40 million in revenue.

With it being done for the year we must now look forward to E3 2014 which the organizers have announced that it will be held June 10th to the 12th.

Like this year and the years past, GF will be here to bring you E3 2014 and all of it's great news. So stay active till then and lets look forward to TGS 2013.
This was a very interesting year. I can't say I'm looking as forward to 2014's E3 simply because all of the big consoles will be out on the market already. 

With that being said, this is a year we might all look back upon as the time when one major company made a critical error. I still think Microsoft will see huge sales numbers for the One, but I wonder what they might look like should they have listened to consumers and actually had a presentation which didn't spit in the face of some of the values most gamers hold dear. 
Dr23 said:
This was a very interesting year. I can't say I'm looking as forward to 2014's E3 simply because all of the big consoles will be out on the market already. 

With that being said, this is a year we might all look back upon as the time when one major company made a critical error. I still think Microsoft will see huge sales numbers for the One, but I wonder what they might look like should they have listened to consumers and actually had a presentation which didn't spit in the face of some of the values most gamers hold dear. 
I agree. I don't know if I am really looking forward to E3 2014, well I am to see the types of games, but won't be tuning in all day or anything like that because honestly the big consoles are out this year... what is there going to be to present? Unless there are some major developments in the next year.... but who knows. I am more interested to see what new games come to light. 

Yes, Microsoft made a huge error. I think they will still make huge sales on the One... but not as much as they hoped that's for sure. I think there are a lot of gamers out there, including myself, who are definitely thinking of getting the new PS4 despite being loyal to Microsoft... there will be a lot of fans switching I think.  I know I will be. 
Only time will tell with the Xbox One. I'm sure they will make sales and I bet if they lower the price that more people will purchase it...but who knows. I also agree that I'm not sure if I'm excited for E3 2014. Though, it'll be interesting to see the progression of the big consoles (how they did during the past year). Though, I'm excited for any new games! 
Since the gaming systems will all but be done with promotion wise, I'm going to be looking for new updates to the new systems and the new games they will have in mind then.
I'm expecting to see some mention of a Metroid game at the next E3 since there was none at this one.
One thing is certain, i hope Sony focus on the PSVita more than they did this year, because that handheld is a great piece of hardware that should be explored more for what is worth.
Oh man what a year for E3! I was so close to getting a ticket for the event but sadly my StarCraft fingers were not fast enough. Hopefully I can get a ticket next year but it won't be as exciting as this year because the next gen consoles has already been released. Who knows, valve might announce Half life 3! Well, this year was a great year for E3 and I hope to see even more gaming content next year!
It was indeed a great year at E3 with the two new consoles being displayed. Next year, we'll see the aftermath, who did best and what they intend to to do maintain their position and what will the less successful company will try to do to come back on top. PS4 may be winning right now, but maybe Miscrosoft will try to turn back things around next year with an update or really, really great exclusive titles!
E3 2013 was pretty good, IMO, but I wish Sony had announced more Vita games. I wanted to hear about Freedom Wars being localized, for example! Still, it was a very good year, a lot of good games.

E3 2014 will probably be a solid one, at the very least, unless the next-gen consoles somehow disappoint and end up getting very few games announced by then.