E3 2015


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Well that's it GF gamers, another E3 has come and gone leaving plenty of gaming goodness and broken hearts in it's wake. E3 2014 was the year of the games as the big three mainly focused on game titles of new and old leaving the year 2015 to be the year of the current gen consoles at their best, delays pending.

So with E3 2014 it is time to look forward to E3 2015 which will take place during June 15th through the 18th in 2015 at the LA convention center. If Gamingforce is still functioning the way it is, you can bet we will be here next year to bring you all the news once again. So stay with us till then for TGS 2014 and other gaming conventions that drops plenty of gaming news.

For E3 2014, they saw a total of 48,900 people attended this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles to see the latest computer and video game hardware and software from 200 exhibitors. Attendance increased slightly, rising from 48,200 last year, the number of companies exhibiting at the show dropped by more than 10 percent, down from 230 last year.

After next year E3's contract with the LA building will be up allowing the convention to move someplace else if they wish, where would you like to see E3 end up?
If I go to one, I would go on the last day where I'm sure the lines would be thin down and I could play the games a bit longer. I doubt I will ever gain status enough to be able to go to a conference unless I can somehow make GF a major gaming news site.
I loved E3 2014 and most of the announcements. Even the fitness game (Just Dance) Ubisoft announced was interesting. I was glad when the new Battlefield: Hardline was shown. Also, Mirrors Edge 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Far Cry 4, The Crew and Grand Theft Auto: V for the PC and 8th generation consoles appealed to me. I would love to be a part of any future E3 or an event like E3.
I hope to be going to E3 2015 to be honest!
I reckon they could afford to expand it and still manage to fill the whole place out with people.
I really anted to go to E3, but that place is mainly for Journalists. Oh well, Gamescom is not that far either. I will be  go to Gamescom with my friends. As for E3 2015, I hope that they change the pattern and show more gameplays rather than trailers and CGI stuff.