Eat at lunch....?


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What do you normally eat on your lunch break at school/work?

I try to switch it up. For a while I was eating some lunchables. Right now I'm on a sandwich kick. I've been making bologna sandwiches and small bag of chips and a Dr. Pepper for my lunch break at work. It's enough to keep me going and it's cheaper than buying my lunch somewhere nearby.
I usually hve aa sandwich or pizza as a meal and juice like Apple juice for a drink for lunch.
Usually a sandwich, been doing it since... forever ^^;
Smoked Gouda and Apple Butter Sandwich is usually my favourite for lunch at work. It's so simple but very tasty.
When I used to work, I'd bring my own lunch & it'd vary. Simple salads & sandwiches always were easy to make.
I get leftovers from last night's supper or throw things together that are easy to make like chips and a sandwich, tuna and crackers, or canned beans and rice. It's more of a smorgasbord than what I make it out to be.
When I eat lunch, I normally eat a ham sandwich with a packet of crisps and in some cases a chocolate biscuit bar and some fruit.

I tend to change it up if I am wanting something different but for the most part, it tends to be a ham or cheese sandwich.