Eating just one chip


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Can you eat just one chip? Do you think they put extra flavorings in chips to make them so addictive? We eat organic & even those, without artificial substances, are quite addictive. I wonder then if it's not the flavor per se but rather our psychological attachment to them.
Thoughts? :)
One chip is never enough. It's like tricking your brain into thinking you are going to starve. Eating one is like eating none.
Unless it's the one chip challenge, there's no way I can eat just one chip lol.
As much as I would love to be able to say one chip is enough, it is never enough. I don't think I have ever eaten a crisp as we call them in the UK no matter the brand and been able to say that was enough.

Pringles are the worst for this LOL

Pringles are a test to not eat the whole can in one sitting lol.