Emailing Nintendo about SNES/Metroid


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Dear Nintendo,

It has come to the my attention that with the ending of the Prime Series, we Metroid Gamers are beginning to worry about any more, "Classic" Metroid Games. And since Metroid Project Dread has been canceled, we have heard of no news of a 2-D Metroid game. With the coming of the revolution, we wonder is the "Classic" Metroid games will actually be able to have an original use of the touch screen and Wii Remote. We also want the continuation of the new story line created by Metroid Fusion. Also, we would like to see Samus' Final Smash from Super Smash Bros. Brawl in a Metroid game. And any failure to reply to this, we will quite buying Nintendo games, and start supporting the creation of other First-Party games, such as Grand Theft Auto or Halo.

For Metroid, but from
(Insert Name Here)

anybody that is a metriod fan should e-mail nintendo about this.
Metroid is my number one game series of all time. And, this letter, i don't see it doing a bit of good.

The metroid Prime storyline is over ...

dopesn't mean the metroid series is over. and why put Samus' final smash in a metroid game, leave it there, it'll get OVERUSED and boring if it was usab;le throughout the game.

Nintendo KNOWS what they're doing. give 'em some slack.

And, for the record, i wish they'd bring claccs bame boy games to the VC ... I'd LOVE to be able to play Metroid II again.

but, really ... metroid, super, fusion, and first mission, are all classic 2-D games of the series. It's gonna have to keep where it's at to keep up with the market of today's shooters.

My biggests fear, is Nintendo will do to Metroid, what Capcom did to Resident Evil with #4 ... completely water down the game to cater to shooter fans, not real survival and puzzle solving fans from which the series was created.

If Metroid looses it's exploring mechanice, backtracking, and skillful platforming design ... that's when i'll stop ... if they make Metroid like Halo and CoD games, that's when i'll bail out.

I play First person Adventures, not first person shooters.
I kinda have to agree with hcfwesker. If we push them to hard to make another game, they may make one that is way below what we expect of a Metroid game. I'd rather replay the games I already have than play a crappy game.