Enhanced Voice Search on Google Search App which can call out the answer after your voice search


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In the latest version of the Google Search App for iOS and Android, not only can you say your question out loud, but your search app can speak your answer right back to you. And, using Google's Knowledge Graph, your search app gives you smarter answers loud and clear. Learn more at http://www.google.co...res/voicesearch

Cool, Google Voice search give people the option to no longer need to type on a tiny touchscreen keyboard, and read a tiny screen for the answer to their search if they don't want to and users can just listen to the answer.

The voice on the App is pretty easy to understand, and not overly robotic.

I wonder what's next. I bet it would be video results which automatically play video to show you how to do something like "make tea, bake bread, etc" on YouTube or other video sharing websites, or video search where you hold the camera up to a photo, video, or object and ask the app to search for info about the object your camera is pointing to.

Pretty trippy stuff. I don't own a smartphone tho lol
I also don't own a Smartphone but I own a eReader Tablet. Sadly, my eReader Tablet does not have a microphone... Hopefully, my next Tablet would have a microphone, and my next phone would be a Smartphone.

I wonder would Google make a version for basic cell phones like flip phones, and regular home phones since the processing of the search is done on Google's server like regular search. If Google made a phone service where you dial's Google's phone number to ask the search engine a question with your voice to get an answer via voice then a lot of people with non-smartphones might use it since it is faster then typing out a long search with the keypad/kleyboard on phones, or finding to a PC to do a search.

I think this kind of tech would be useful to people who are disabled, or don't have fingers, but can still talk, but not move their hands or fingers because of a injury or not having any fingers.
I'm not worried about it. Seems like a fancy feature I'll never use. But cool technology!