Even when not in retail


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I worked at Target for 4 years. You could have your walkie out, talking to another team member or helping another customer (I refuse to call them guests, guests dont destroy your house) and someone else can come up to you right after and ask if you work there. Like how fucking stupid are you.

I don't work at Target, however, there are people out there that are that ignorant.

I worked at Target for 4 years. You could have your walkie out, talking to another team member or helping another customer (I refuse to call them guests, guests dont destroy your house) and someone else can come up to you right after and ask if you work there. Like how fucking stupid are you.

I believe this 100%. When I was at my old job wearing one of their t-shirts, have one of their vests on along with a name tag and people would still ask me if I work there.

Just yesterday at my new job, I was running a register and had a pretty long line (it's the first of the month so everyone on social security has gotten paid and are getting out to do their grocery shopping). This lady walks up to me while I'm checking out a customer to ask me a question about her return. I pointed and told her she'd have to take that to the service desk. She kept asking me questions about her return and again I had to explain to her that I couldn't help her and that she'd have to take that to the service desk. This lady didn't understand. I was on a register, helping out a customer with a long line behind her. She just had to hold up my line to keep asking me about her return. I wanted to tell her, "Look lady, this isn't where your returns go. This line is for people who are trying to pay for their crap so they can get on with the rest of their day."
I was part of the team that went around picking orders for these lazy slobs. If you cant tell I work there by me pushing a big red metal cart with stuff on it, you know, the carts only Target people use, youre an idiot.
Weird sometimes I'm still in my work shirt at other stores to save gas and nobody asked me if I worked there.
I'm scared about going back to my old work place because I'm afraid that people would recognize me and ask me for help (my cat's food is cheaper there than it is anywhere else).
I can see from a distance if you see a red shirt, but getting closer, one would be able to tell the difference if they were a worker or not.
I feel wearing a hat and a different color vest like a black vest could help people realize that someone with a red shirt does not work at Target or another store with a red uniform.