Ever got a problem with technology?


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Full GL Member
Was there ever one time in your lifetime, that you had a serious problem with technology?

You can share it with the members of this forum, in this topic here.
When my computer crashes, having to learn a new skill that I'm not interested in like Databases, and Excel for jobs and school tasks, phoning up technical support to fix my cable box because some digital channels where slow, e-mailing my domain registrar because they charged me for a free domain.
my computer, my game systems, phones, ect. If you own tech sooner or later it will bite you in the ass giving you plenty of headaches.
So, yesterday I wanted to watch a movie on my DVD player for my television.

My television is new, so the DVD player was just added to the new t.v.

So, when I decided to watch a DVD, I couldn't get it to start, lol. But, I have an idea how to get it to work, but I don't want to spoil anything by messing around with stuff, because it's a fleshly bought television, ;)