Ever got betrayed by a friend?


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Have you had the experience where you were betrayed by a close friend? What happened?
Not really, well maybe? Had two die on me so far :(
I have friends which never paid me back money after many years which made me felt betrayed.

This is something that happen with a lot of people and it is not great. How do people even get to not pay money lent to them beats my imagination.
This is something that happen with a lot of people and it is not great. How do people even get to not pay money lent to them beats my imagination.
They are already comfortable, so they are no longer pressed like they were when they needed it.
They are already comfortable, so they are no longer pressed like they were when they needed it.

Very bad attitude from them, to be honest. Someone who got help from someone will hope to get it again and acting that poor is not great.
No matter what, for what it is, one should help another and anyone that got helped should endeavor to reciprocate by paying back.
Those kind of people would never put themselves in a situation to help you no matter how many times you came to their aid.