Ever look up whats ailing you?


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If you ever felt sick or had pain, did you look up online what might be the cause of it?

I do often, but nearly all searches gives me a answer of seeking out a doctor.
That is because they don't want to be sued by you if it turns out that their advice was wrong.

It's why they suggest that you see a lawyer if you have a potential legal issue or tell you that they aren't a lawyer or authorized to give legal advice when talking to you about legal matters.

Anyway, I do. I have the apps WebMD, iTriage and iPharmacy on my phone and tablet. I even use them if I am not looking up stuff that is making me sick. It's interesting to read.

it's kind of funny because when I was sick while on vacation a few months ago, I looked up the symptoms both online, and on the apps and they all came back with pregnancy.

We quickly ruled that out with a pregnancy test, of course. lol

When we called the Nurse Hotline to get some answers, that was the first thing the medical operator asked.
Going to the doctor is free in Canada for people who are poor or lower-middle class, so I just go to the doctor, and I think that people who pay for healthcare can go to the doctor as many times they want without paying extra what you already pay.

For minor sickness like a cold, or flu, I think asking the local pharmacist would be fine instead of the doctor.

Plus, you got to be careful since some of the Health advice might not work, and try to convince you to buy fake drugs online, eBooks/videos about healthy living with info they copied or made up, or medicinal herbs and berries which might not work at curing your illness.

Most of the top results also seem to be from Yahoo Answers, and Answer related sites which seem less trust worthy since anyone on Yahoo Answers or Answer sites can pretend to be a doctor, pharmacist, nurse, or surgeon.
Froggy is right. Medical care is free in Canada and I believe Europe as well. I guess things are cheaper there because they have doctors that actually care about the patient rather than seeing them as just another person to bring them closer to that house they have their eye on in the Hamptons with the brand new Aston Martin in the driveway, like the doctors do here.

And $100 dollars hunh? I guess we should move there then as $100 is exactly enough to cover a co-pay and 1 of my old medications. The actual cost for the Doctor's visit is usually much, much higher than that.

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Finding a forum for medical students, doctors or nurses might be more useful then using Google or Apps to find cures for sickness, but I'm not sure how open are most doctors and nurses when providing free medical advice online, and most likely they will say go to the doctors, or hospital like other posts.

I bet there most likely be a forum for doctors or nurses since it is such a common topic.
I usually look it when when I feel unwell. Not for self-medication but to have an idea of what to expect, or even to see if I can find a way to explain what I feel better. Our hospitals are free as well, but when its something serious I usually go to a doctor, they take between $10-$40 depending on what they specialized in, tests included.