Ever texted those paid text services on your cell phone?


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I see all these commercials to tell people to text the word "joke" to 1235 or whatever to have a joke of the day, or get text from some sexy lady for a dollar or more.

Have you ever texted to a paid text service you saw in a commercial on TV?

I have not since I think it is a scam to get your money. It is like those commercials which tell you to text the answer to a very simple question to have a chance of winning a Xbox, but you have to pay $1 to play.

Plus, I don't have an active cell phone now.
I never did, i read the small print and then if you do you will have to pay 5-10 bucks a month, or dime in a answer to win something cost a buck a text, and for the dating services, it's 1.25 per text. ITs crazy and stupid.
I never had tried personally. But on the bus this
guy was pressuring me to call this one # and I won't
say it for reasons, but I wouldn't so he got this girl
to. And it was one of those... interesting hotlines
with asian people speaking and it was all like
"For... $ you can whisten to us twalk" and all.
But most of it was in Chinese (yes I know the
difference) so yeah, we didn't get it all since the girl
was like O_O and then closed her phone since
she got all freaked out.
I agree geting turned on by a text is kind of lame, and getting a joke for 50 cents you can easily find online is a rip off.
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ July 16, 2009 03:07 pm) I agree geting turned on by a text is kind of lame, and getting a joke for 50 cents you can easily find online is a rip off.
a big rip off really. because that be 182.50 dollars a year for jokes that might not be that great.
Thankfully I've never did try those commerically advertised text services in the past. There's alway a catch or a fee to pay for using their services. I suggest before subscribing to any texting services, check the fine print and terms of agreement.