Every Game is Broken!


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Issues left, right, down the center and falling right off their faces.
Seems to have been a rush to get games on the market before the holiday season. Every game is having some form of issue which isn't normally the case. Shame to see. 
It is a shame that people get games with so many problems. Maybe there should be a refund policy where game buyers get a $10-30 refund, and get to keep the game if their games have problems, and there is no patch update for it on release day. 
froggyboy604 said:
It is a shame that people get games with so many problems. Maybe there should be a refund policy where game buyers get a $10-30 refund, and get to keep the game if their games have problems, and there is no patch update for it on release day. 
game makers or sellers would never agree to that.
Demon_Skeith said:
game makers or sellers would never agree to that.
I agree, most likely most game makers, and sellers would not agree to giving back money for gamers who have broken games with problems. But, I think they could end up losing more money in the future because people don't trust that their future games will not be broken, and gamers felt ripped off, and scammed by paying full price for a broken game, and not getting a refund of $10-30 for buying a broken game, and waiting days to weeks for a fix or patch.

I think broken games should sell for less money like how people who pay less for a damaged table with a scratch on the top because it is damaged.