Everything on your arm


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Do you think in our lifetime technology will get to a point that everything, and I mean everything tech can be placed on something similar to a smart phone design and size and be required to have?
I feel it would be Glasses size instead of arm sized since Google already made Google Glasses which can do most of the things computers can do, but on its glasses display. It is voice controlled by the wearer, and there is a tiny monitor on the lens.

I think it won't be required to have since it is better to have choices on what you use as your computer like desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc and when and where you use it.

Plus, making a computer a requirement to have at all the time can lead to computer and internet addiction which can make the world even worse if more people are addicted to their computer and the internet like some users who are on their cell phones too often because they can use it everywhere.

Having eye strain while a monitor is close to the eye is not true for the Apache helicopter pilot while flying. The Apache Helicopter pilots have a glasses lens monitor which shows him information attach near his right eye when he is flying the helicopter according to a documentary on the Apache helicopter.

But, the pilots are not like your average joes, and can handle the stress from flying a helicopter while a small monitor shines in his right eye since his life depends on it which most average people can not handle because the average joe is not trained to handle stressful situations like a pilot in the Army, and many average joes can barely walk while texting without failing.

Well all that eye strain I'm sure would be removed as technology goes by. I'm sure a different method of displaying things would be invented.
Maybe in the future, we lie down, and have a wire plugged into our body like "The Matrix" where the computer can control your dreams, and what you see in your dream, and you just wake up to eat, go to bathroom, work out to keep your body muscles healthy, grow food, and take a bath like in the popular film the Matrix or Inception where people visit the dream world by using tech to interact with it, and you use your brain waves to interact with the user interface, and digital world by connecting to it via a wire/brain sensor which the machine creates for you to see rather then using a keyboard, or input device which you need to use your fingers, hands, or voice to control the data input.

