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We all know that the video game world is constantly evolving. Where do you see the video game world in the next 10 or 20 or even 30 years? What would you like to see from video gaming in the next several years?
Hrmm, I like to see the whole upgrade the graphics thing stop and let the actual hardware catch up. Take things back to the day of the NES/SNES era where games were up and running in no time.
Hrmm, I like to see the whole upgrade the graphics thing stop and let the actual hardware catch up. Take things back to the day of the NES/SNES era where games were up and running in no time.

That would be nice. It's like turning on your computer....you have to let a computer run for a couple of minutes before you can start doing anything and I'm afraid consoles are going to end up the same way. But what can you do?
That would be nice. It's like turning on your computer....you have to let a computer run for a couple of minutes before you can start doing anything and I'm afraid consoles are going to end up the same way. But what can you do?

Wrong, throw in some solid state storage. My PC is always up and running in less than a minute.
I agree. I think Sony and Microsoft will probably follow suite now that Nintendo did it. After all, Nintendo was the first to come out with a "wireless" controller (if I'm not mistaken) then Sony and Microsoft followed suite then and came out with wireless controllers for their consoles.
I agree. I think Sony and Microsoft will probably follow suite now that Nintendo did it. After all, Nintendo was the first to come out with a "wireless" controller (if I'm not mistaken) then Sony and Microsoft followed suite then and came out with wireless controllers for their consoles.

It was TV who come up with 'wireless' controller :p JK

Anyway wireless controllers are actually idea of all, it just happen Nintendo that got to release it first.
I think that there will be a lot more VR games than now. And the graphics should be insane.
Well, Nintendo was the first to come out with a wireless controller. And Nintendo not only owns the market for handhelds, it has made a handheld that allows you to play games in 3D. None of the others like Sony and MS have tried to follow suit in that market.