EZ Airsoft blow Gun tutorial video!


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This looks like a pretty fun toy to make. I can imagine some kid using this in class to blow Airsoft BBs at the person sitting beside him in class.
I can see someone being picked up believing he's using some kind of illegal drug.
Indeed, the medicine bottle is not a good choice of bottle to use.

I can also see someone using this to quickly get rid of their drugs by blowing it out of the window or their car before the cops catch up with them.
unless you know someone taking meds or working in a pharmacy, I doubt there is a legal way of obtaining a medicine bottle.

The video said you can also use a 35mm film can, or other plastic jar.

Plastic Candy bottles, or other small air tight plastic can can also work for making this Airsoft blow gun.

You can also buy Medicine bottles on eBay, and other online stores online.