Facebook’s Trending Topics computer algorithm already screwed up


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Three days after Facebook said it would remove the human editors who curate the Trending topics section and replace them with a purely algorithmic system, the company trended a fake news story about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.

This also isn’t the first time since the dismissal of human editors on Friday that Facebook’s Trending section has been misled by an algorithm. Over the weekend, other inappropriate headlines trended, including one calling Ann Coulter a sexist slur and another about a video of a man masturbating with a McDonald’s sandwich.

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I think Facebook algorithm will end up costing Facebook more money than hiring a few writers and editors when someone like Hulk Hogan sues Facebook for automatically ruining their reputation because of a problem with their algorithm. I bet, Hulk Hogan will most likely sue Facebook if the Trending Topics Algorithm screwed up, and end up re-publishing or re-linking his embarrassing video on Facebook.

I wonder would Megyn Kelly, and Ann Coulter sue Facebook for damaging their reputation which cause them to lose income and future job opportunities.

I feel bad for the guy who got his self-pleasure sandwich video trending on Facebook since he may of not wanted to be a trending topic on Facebook, the video may of been stolen from his PC, and the video could hurt his reputation where he has problems finding or keeping his current job after a lot of judgmental people saw his Sandwich self-pleasure video.
Lol, nice.
Not one bit surprised.

So far every time something is left completely up to an algorithm is like challenging people to get together into finding ways to mess with it. Just like with the twitter bot, haha.
This reminds me of that learning bot account on twitter that got flooded with terrible content to learn from.
I remember people in the past years ago used to trick search engines into ranking poorer-quality websites higher in the search results. One of the reasons Yahoo become less popular because their search algorithm was not very good at finding as many good websites as Google.

I think Facebook should of kept a few editors to prevent these problems from happening.