Facebook is still trending fake news stories


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It's been six weeks after Facebook's "trending topics" section was publicly called out for promoting a blatantly false story about Megyn Kelly and very little -- if anything -- has changed. According to a new audit from the Washington Post, that Megyn Kelly incident was far from an isolated case.

In fact, after logging every trending story spotted from four different Facebook accounts during peak workday hours in September, the Post discovered at lease five trending stories that "were indisputably fake" and three others that were "profoundly inaccurate."

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I wonder what type of people post fake news stories online, and risk messing up their reputation when they post fake news for their friends, family, and followers to read on Facebook.

Posting fake news online can cause the poster to have a harder time finding work as a journalist, news reporter, writer, and other work places where honesty is important.
It's not something you can really get rid of.
It's not something you can really get rid of.

I agree people posting fake news is not something which can be stop because a lot of people enjoy reading celebrity news, tabloids, gossip sites, and news sites which posts fake news. There are also a lot of haters who rather post fake news to insult people instead of just personally hating people in their mind.