Facebook may be developing, testing Voice chat on Facebook.com


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Consider this a most speculative bit of news for now, but a few Facebookers have today been confronted by a new, heretofore unseen "Call" button when visiting their friends' profiles. Mashing on that icon didn't connect them and their buddies don't seem to have received any alerts at all, but the fact remains that the world's most popular website just did something a little bit different. The logical suspicion is that the Skype partnership that saw Facebook Connect infiltrate the web telephony service is now bearing fruit in the other direction with us seeing a bit of Skype functionality being built into the social network.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]


Interesting, voice chat sounds pretty convenient. I wonder how long it will take Facebook to also make a video chat service.
I'm surprised that's not out yet.
Same for me, but I wonder how long it take Facebook to develop a social networking based MMO which lets people walk around and chat with other people or just friends like Second life.

I bet if Facebook joined forces with Second Life it might be a success since it will make Facebook less 2D.