Facebook Messenger on Android loaded with free voice calls for Canadian users


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Android's flavor of Facebook Messenger has just been updated with VoIP functionality for the social network's Canadian users. There's no word when Android faithful in the US will snag the functionality, but Canucks can at least ring their American counterparts who wield the iOS app.


Free voice calls via Facebook Messenger is useful for people on prepaid plans, and their Android phone or tablet is close to a nearby free Wi-Fi like a restaurant.

This would mean people who mainly use the Wi-Fi at school, coffee shop or other places can save money by not owning a cell phone, and use Facebook Messenger as a way to talk, and text with their other friends on Facebook, and when they need to use an actual phone they could use Google Voice, Skype, or a pay phone for calling people for free with Google Voice, or a quarter-50 cents with a Payphone.
It also sounds like a great way to get traffic for Facebook . After the call, people are more likely to use the Facebook website or mobile app to browse for posts which friends post, and most likely people who call will tell you that they posted new photos and video onto their Facebook albums rather than just using Facebook personal messages because voice is faster than text if you are a slow typer.