Facebook still top social network, and 63 percent of its users check in daily


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Among U.S. adults who get online regularly, 71 percent use Facebook, up from 67 percent in late 2012, Pew said Monday in a report. Increased usage was the story at several other sites as well, although in much smaller doses: LinkedIn usage went from 20 percent to 22 percent; Pinterest usage from 15 percent to 21 percent; Twitter usage from 16 percent to 18 percent; and Instagram (owned by Facebook) usage from 13 percent to 17 percent.

An important part of any advertising-based business is how often your users return to your site, and Facebook boasts the highest levels of daily usage as well: 63 percent of Facebook users visit the site daily, “with 40 percent logging on multiple times a day,” Pew said.

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I think the main reason for Facebook still being popular is because lots of people have a Facebook account, and changing to a different social network like Pinterest, and Twitter can be a hassle, and risky sometimes since smaller social networks may close down because of money problems, and members lose all their photos, posts, friend lists, links, and memories because a smaller social network can't pay their bills anymore.

A lot of adults also run small buisnesses, and Facebook could be a good way of advertising sales, services, and contests to increase the number of customers who go to their stores, restaurants, and other buisnesses.

Also, a lot of younger adults may not want to teach the less tech savvy adults how to use other social networks like Google Plus because sometimes teaching non-tech savvy adults how to use new websites like G+, Twitter, and Instagram can be difficult, so everyone uses Facebook because it is a site that a large percentage of people know how to use without the need to read a tutorial, or how to on how to use them like how some less savvy people don't know how to use forums, blogs, and other types of sites.
I'll give facebook a few more years before something else becomes bigger than it.
But, what site will be become bigger since most new social network sites like Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and Vine are not as feature rich as Facebook with tons of games, apps, fan pages, and users, and a lot of the new social networks don't make much cash or any money, so they could eventually go out of business, or struggle to stay online like Tumblr, Xanga, Bebo, Friendster, and Myspace? 
None of them really can be as feature rich as Facebook without ripping Facebook off.
The beauty of Facebook is, it came early enough to be big, but also early enough to fill in the gaps MySpazz had.
Facebook is also buying smaller social networks, and smaller internet companies which eventually mean more features for Facebook in the near future like how Instagram was bought by Facebook, so soon Instagrams features will come to Facebook as well, or they eventually merge, and be one site.

Facebook is also adding new features and apps for people to use all the time on the web. I read online that Facebook came out with trending topics, will soon release a Newsreader app which is similar to Flipboard, and FB will release a bunch of other social apps in 2014.

It would also be very hard for any site to have as many talented staff at Facebook which know how social networking works, and how to make apps and features for social networks. Facebook currently has 5,794 employees as of September 2013 according to http://www.quora.com/How-many-employees-does-Facebook-have .
So basically, slowly but surely Facebook is beginning to create a monopoly.
Indeed, slowly Facebook is creating a social networking monopoly by buying up smaller social networks like Instagram and companies which sell out for millions, and billions of dollars which Facebook made from selling Ads, In-App purchases from Farmville, and all those other Flash games hosted on Facebook.

FB is can already be consider a monopoly since they bought up 43 social networks, and online companies according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_acquisitions_by_Facebook