Far Cry 2


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Is Farcry 2 worth or which one is better Farcry 2 or Farcry 5?
Hi there, I am familiar of Far Cry games from Far Cry 3 to Far Cry 5 only but I am not familiar on Far Cry 1 and 2 and I don't know what is the story behind those games. But one of the members here said that each Far Cry games contains independent stories so it is nice to play even if you do not play the first one.
This was actually the first Far Cry game I played, as I was never all that interested in the original Far Cry. I was actually going to give this game a pass until I found out the setting was in Africa. At the time, I had some weird obsession with the Blood Diamond movie (it's still one of my favorite movies of all-time) so getting to play as this mercenary figure in the African jungle was right up my alley.

Regarding gameplay, it wasn't anything to really write home about. It was your standard "go there and shoot those people" affair, along with some collection aspects. Except actually getting "there" was an infuriating experience as you were constantly being assaulted by random jungle mercenaries. It did have some interesting mechanics though, like having to take malaria medication as well as stolen, worn out guns jamming more easily. It could really get intense sometimes, being in the middle of a firefight and your gun suddenly jams on you.

I wouldn't say it's a "must play" title, but definitely worth a play for any fans of the later Far Cry games, just to see the beginnings of the series. It's definitely closer to the later iterations of Far Cry than the very first game.