Far Cry 5 Annoucement Trailer


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What does everyone think? It looks amazing and I can't wait to get it. Unfortunately it has a February 2018 release date
What does everyone think? It looks amazing and I can't wait to get it. Unfortunately it has a February 2018 release date

unfortunately it will be delayed since that is the trend these days :p
They better not. Only Rockstar has the ability to delay games and not anger the fan base that much :grin:
It seems decent. Better than Primal for sure, as you can tell the influence and similarities to Far Cry 3 and 4 already. Hopefully it's as good as 3.
It looks pretty awesome to me! I really hope the villain is better than Pagan Min, I'm not saying Min was a bad villain, but I didn't liked it very much.
I'm actually looking forward to it, despite the fact that I pretty much skipped Primal. I played an hour or two of it but couldn't take it anymore, since it just felt like a lazy attempt at a Far Cry game, for whatever reason.

I need to look up what the reaction is to the setting, though. I don't know if it's just me but there seems to be a trend in gaming lately where Christians are being portrayed as nutjobs, like in Outlast 2 for example. I'm sure the religious folk ain't happy.