Favorite Game System


Insane, but humble
So what's your favorite Gaming system of any and all that were made? PSP, Xbox, Nintendo64 Xbox 360, ect.

Mine would have to defiantly be the 64. I've had so many fun memories with that system. Good times.
It was the DS, now it's the 3DS. I love the features and backwards compatibility. Not to mention the sweet 3D and augmented reality minigames.
I pretty much like all the up-to-date consoles I own - the PSP, 3DS, Wii and 360. I like the PS2 as well, mainly because I don't have a PS3.

That isn't to say I hate the old consoles though. My DS Lite has served me very well but it is unfortunately replaced (although I still actually have it, but I had to put it away, since I can only charge one handheld at a time right now and what's the point of having the DS out when I'll be using the 3DS anyway?) and of course the N64 was a favourite. I prefer the Wii to play my Gamecube games but at the time the console was great.

In short, I don't have a favourite. I like them all, because each console has its own memories attached to it and each console also has at least one game that was the original game (like Super Mario 64) that is an awesome game with its own memories. Where can I play the original game with the original controller? The console it was made for, of course.
I have the say the N64. It brought all the great classics, then Wii, Gamecube because of more good games, and the DSi. The games aren't all that good, but it has nice features.
Obviously the current consoles provides something better (In terms of Graphic, etc) than the old consoles like NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Colour and PS 1 that I used to have. But they are still my Fav consoles.

Unfortunately, I have sold all of them except Game Boy Colour (NES, SNES, Game Boy, and PS 1 are all gone now >__> ).

Btw, 3DS is still new and I like it. But since it's still new, I can't say that I really like 3DS similar to my liking towards the old consoles. Let's see what 3DS can give us ^^
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Hard to choose.. always loved which ever i was using last... not liek they were competing with each other... I went gameboy.. Super Nintendo.. Ps... Wii.. .3Ds... and the Pc upgrading besides them all the way through... I gotta say if I reaally had to choose I'd say its a tie between the Pc and the Wii. The Wii just always gave me joy and a new gaming experiences n PC isn't a console per say but it blew away any current Gen console away for most of its life.. Ps3, Xbox360? Really? Who needs an over priced computer that can only play games??? Thats all they are, n the graphics still suck compared to what i get.
Oh n the 3Ds is gonna be a favorite.. I can smell it, just let it fully come out of it cocoon with its shop and proper games