Favorite "god" games?


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God games are games that let you control just about anything (from a family to a large city). It lets you do just about anything (like build a skyscraper or throw different villagers into the ocean) and make it look like it's all in a day's work.

Examples of god games are Black and White, The Sims, Civilization, Populous and Patapon. Which god games are your favorites?
The Sims. Especially the sims 3. I just like those games because you can literally become whoever you want to be and control every aspect of the lives of the sims that are in the game and plus the game is really fun to play if you ask me.
I think that The Sims is pretty awesome. I remember playing it back in the days when it was new. I think I was playing the first one, and I remember that I kept killing them. It was pretty funny too!
Sims is the only game of this type that I have experience with, unfortunately, but I did love that game and I even got addicted to it somewhat. If I hadn't stopped myself or kept conscious of the time I was spending on it, I'd surely have spent months of gameplay on it. I've always heard great things about Civilization, though, and I've always wanted to check it out but never got around to it, so I'll be doing that shortly. :)
Mine is Caesar 3! And old little gem of a game that I first played as a kid. God I loved designing roads and placing bushes for decoration. I also tried Black and White 1 and one of the Civ games but never really got into them. However, I'm planning to try Civilization 5 in the near feature since I'm hearing lots of good stuff about it, especially on Reddit.
Sims is a game you don't play often, but rather, when the need arrives, it's all you do for the next couple of days. Seeing a bunch of little people get a good life only for you, the 'God' to crush it in just a few seconds - beautiful.

Also that element mixing/creating game, I like those.