Favorite gun?


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Out of all the shooters you played, what is your favorite gun to use?
If I played Goldeneye 007 I would like to try The Golden Gun.

If we are talking about Kid Icarus Uprising the only fundamental shooting weapons like the staff or club I like is the Flintlock Staff.

I did briefly play Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, but because of that gameplay loop and the game being more action-based than a shooter I think I will avoid picking a favorite. Also, having to level up weapons and not playing very far on my cousin's PS2 means I'm not informed enough even if I want to choose.
My favorite gun in shooter games is the machine gun because it usually shoots the fastest. It is also the most fun to use.
For Tactical Stealth Missions, The HK MP5SD5 Submachinegun. It's accurate and totally silent.

For Assault missions that do not require stealth, The M16A2 Assault rifle. It's powerful, great range and you can attach a grenade launcher for more firepower.
If I played Goldeneye 007 I would like to try The Golden Gun.

If we are talking about Kid Icarus Uprising the only fundamental shooting weapons like the staff or club I like is the Flintlock Staff.

I did briefly play Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, but because of that gameplay loop and the game being more action-based than a shooter I think I will avoid picking a favorite. Also, having to level up weapons and not playing very far on my cousin's PS2 means I'm not informed enough even if I want to choose.

Golden gun on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were very fun to use!