Favorite Villain?


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What is your favorite villain? Weather it be from a tv show or movie or some random video.

Mine is Zedd from the MMPR.

Albert Wesker from Resident Evil (game) series is one great villan.
The one in the movie sucked, but the movies are nothing like the game... completely different stories only bear the name of "resident evil".
The Joker from The Dark Knight.

Heath Ledger's performance was absolutely chilling and he really freaked me out. I hope the upcoming Batman movie is as good as the last one.
I love all of the Joker's incarnations but, yes, Ledger's performance definitely takes the cake.

However, my favorite villain is Megatron because, well, Megatron is just freakin' sweet man.
I have a few actually, like Darth Vader and Pinhead, the sadistic cenobite from Hellraiser....but my fave has to be Sauron from
the Lord of the Rings. He's like the ultimate bad a**..... the tyrancial opressor who can still control and lead hordes of creepy
creatures and he's just a flaming eyeball!!!
I liked sylar on heroes a lot but during the later seasons of heroes before it was cancelled. The character became nice and the show went downhill. I remember when they had him lose his powers, it was interesting. He still will be one of my favorites because of the way he took people out.
The Kurgan from Highlander. There's something so invigorating about each iteration of the character that I found myself liking him much more than the main character. Plus, Clancy Brown is a great actor.
Since I was a little kid, my favourite villain has been Joker. I love the way he talks and looks and that makes him my favourite :grin:
Megatron and Star Scream from the cartoons, I always feel some sort of awkwardness and creepiness in their relatinoship
Joker from Batman Arkham Asylum. Never would have thought old Skywalker could do that amazing voice.
My favorite villain of all time is the Joker, hands down. The entire concept of the Joker is just so mind-blowing. He's absolutely insane and unpredictable, which is what makes him so great. He can do absolutely anything at any given time, allowing for plot twists. The Joker is truly a unique character, unlike most villains. The Joker is completely inhuman. He never feels guilt, he never wonders about his deeds, he never really has any human emotion besides gratuitous cruelty. Displaying all the traits expected from a villain, the Joker is truly unique. 
I would have to say my favourite villan would be Itatchi from Naruto. I love how powerful he his, and I love his style of fighting.
As most have said, The Joker ! His performance was just amazing in the dark knight, it was almost as if people went there to watch him isntead of the
actual batman. Incredible!
This is gonna sound really dumb and childish, but Hank Scorpio. From the Simpsons, this guy:

To me he will always be the best villain of all time.