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What is your absolute favorite Playstation game?

My favorite would have to be Twisted Metal. My brothers and I have just about played that game to death. It's just one of those games that is so fun to play with other people. I don't really like playing it by myself as much as I do when I've played it with my brothers.
Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance 2. I love hack and slash!
I don't play a lot of PlayStation games, but I would say Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace for the PS1. Why? Because it's the game I played the most out of any of the PS games I had since I only had Madden NFL 03 and Medal of Honor. I liked Spyro too, but I didn't like it as much as Mario or any of the Rare 3D platformers.
Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance 2. I love hack and slash!
Marry me! lol

Exactly what she said! Baulder's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 was the very first game I pre-ordered because I loved the first one so much. I was SO let down when I heard they were finishing the second one and laying off most of the company - especially with the ending leaving off the way it did. Now, granted, I am a HUGE D&D player in real life paper + pen-wise, but it has no tie into the next statement I'm going to make. The Everquest pair of games (Champions of Norrath and I forget the other) were made by those laid-off employees using the same engine, but I just couldn't get into them because of the awful maps and skill system (for example, the Cleric got a very weak heal ability at level 15 and the ranger had an AoE heal that was powerful at level 6).

Diablo 3 uses the same engine as BG: DA and even that game doesn't come close to the awesomeness of BG: DA2 or even 1 to me. Too many elements left out that I enjoyed. Granted, the gems and crafting are still in Diablo 3, but they worked much better in BG: DA2.

R.I.P. Sleyvas. We miss you and your 'stupid king'.:(
Monster Rancher 2. I play this game even now. It hasn't lost its charm and even has some pretty good sequels (which I also own) These games along with the Digimon World titles are some of my favorite memories of the Playstation.
Gran Turismo 2, at the time it was the best racing game there ever. :) I used to love customizing my low-budget cars and drifting around the tracks.

Tenchu 2 would be a _very_ close second, I love that series of games and I wish they would re-make them.
Gran Turismo 2, at the time it was the best racing game there ever. :) I used to love customizing my low-budget cars and drifting around the tracks.

Tenchu 2 would be a _very_ close second, I love that series of games and I wish they would re-make them.
With the exception of the tactical game for Tenchu on PSP I would agree. Another I was recently telling my friends I think needs a new installment is Bushido Blade.
With the exception of the tactical game for Tenchu on PSP I would agree. Another I was recently telling my friends I think needs a new installment is Bushido Blade.

For sure, I love Bushido Blade and so did one of my local buddies. We used to play that game all of the time. If they released it for the Xbox 360 with online play I'd buy it as soon as it came out. Hell I'd buy three copies and give the others away to my friends.

That was the most realistic fighting game I ever played. I loved the fact that you could kill someone in one blow or disable them by chopping off an arm or a leg.
Do remakes count? XD If so Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete. I love that game in both versions. Even if stuff was changed, still love it.

If not then I'll say Final Fantasy VII. I love that game. One of a few that got me into role playing games.
I have three classics I really enjoy. The first one being 'Legend of the Dragoon'. For those who don't know, LotD is a turned based RPG game that was released for the PS1/PSX around the same time as Final Fantasy VII. To make a long story short, you play as a male character, Dart, in the beginning of the game. You pick up companions as well as dragoon gems. These gems allow you and your companions to become the legendary dragoons. You might your way through what was a very large world, at the time, to try and stop some bad stuff from happening. It has a very detailed plot and a lot of key points that I won't bother explaining. Basically, if you've got a few weeks and nothing to do, pick up a digital copy, or a disc copy, and revel in the immersion. LotD was released as a four disc set, the world being too large to release on a single disc.

Number two is 'The Legend of Spyro'. Spyro is a well known figure among the playstation world. Having titles released on multiple consoles, Spyro is a classic that anyone can enjoy. You play as a purple dragon, Spryo, who, with the help of your firefly friend Sparx, travel through multiple worlds collecting gems and other various items. With no other end goal than to defeat the bad guy, the simplicity of the plot makes this one of the most relaxing games I know. The original game had you, Spyro, running around trying to save your fellow dragons who were encapsulated in stone. Your end goal is to save all your dragon friends and defeat the evil Gnasty Gnorc. After running around through all the worlds collecting gems, rescuing dragons, and saving dragon eggs, you'll face off with the big baddy in his lair. There are three games in the series for the playstation. All of which are recommended if you haven't already played.

Last but not least, 'Crash Bandicoot'. This is a game that you can play over and over again and still be entertained. You play as a bandicoot named Crash. Running through the platformer style levels of this game, you'll be smashing boxes and collecting just about everything you can get your paws on. Witch Doctor Masks are your friend as they protect you from damage. Collect enough without taking damage and you'll gain temporary invulnerability. Find the secret areas and get the one-hundred percent clears on levels to gain crystals. The crystals come in handy. The end game is to defeat evil Doctor Neo Cortex and save your girlfriend Tawna. Though Crash is the type to get distracted to expect a long journey. There are three games in the series for the playstation.

Fun fact about Spyro and Crash, there wasn't really a good way to leak demo's back in the day. So game developers would occasionally place demo's within games. All three Spyro games had secret demos for Crash games built in. You only had to know the secret code to access them.

Anyway, these are my favorites from the console. I played a great many number of games but these are the ones I'll never forget.