Favourite Genre?

Platformers and adventure. I also like sub RPGs. Meaning that I like a game where RPG isn't the main focus. Like how Halo Reach and Halo 4 were FPS with RPG elements. I mean I like RPG's, but my main problem with them is that the enemy has an insane amount of heath and when you get it down to a certain point, it restores all of its health and by that time, you're out of mana and pretty much out of health yourself.
Platformers and adventure. I also like sub RPGs. Meaning that I like a game where RPG isn't the main focus. Like how Halo Reach and Halo 4 were FPS with RPG elements. I mean I like RPG's, but my main problem with them is that the enemy has an insane amount of heath and when you get it down to a certain point, it restores all of its health and by that time, you're out of mana and pretty much out of health yourself.
Wait, what? Where did you see RPG elements anywhere in Halo Reach? I beat that game and never once did my character have the ability to upgrade a gun or armor or the character's level in story mode. If you are talking about the character customizations that are in firefight and multiplayer mode, I'll say that's a grey area. Sure, some armor sets give slight upgrades and all but it isn't like maxing a character's prestige level does anything to unbalance the game like it would in an actual FPS RPG like Borderlands. It is like 90+% cosmetic.

Also, if you are having problems with RPGs that do as you said, then you're playing the wrong ones. I mean, I've had to deal with those elements you spoke of with enemies regenerating and crap, but seldom in any of the really good ones.

I prefer turned-based RPGs or the older screen-scrolling variety like the Seiken Densetsu series; especially Secret of Evermore where you have that top-down view like a Zelda game. Recently beat Bastion on PS4 and though it kind of fits that description I just mentioned and was a good game, it just lacked level size and replay value like some of the older RPGs to me. I think it was the lack of exploration element that killed that. I'm much more into games like Fantasy Life or the older Dragon Quest / Dragon Warrior (Pre-PS2's third-person non-random encounters days).
Platformers and adventure. I also like sub RPGs. Meaning that I like a game where RPG isn't the main focus. Like how Halo Reach and Halo 4 were FPS with RPG elements. I mean I like RPG's, but my main problem with them is that the enemy has an insane amount of heath and when you get it down to a certain point, it restores all of its health and by that time, you're out of mana and pretty much out of health yourself.
Whats sub-RPGs? Care to tell me more about it?
Whats sub-RPGs? Care to tell me more about it?
I think he means games like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night where it is really a side-scroll platformer adventure game but has many RPG elements in it such as weapons, armor, magic, a level up and stat system, and item shop.It can fall under the RPG category, but its core is really a platformer / adventure.
I think he means games like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night where it is really a side-scroll platformer adventure game but has many RPG elements in it such as weapons, armor, magic, a level up and stat system, and item shop.It can fall under the RPG category, but its core is really a platformer / adventure.
That's exactly what I mean. I didn't know SotN was like that. Now I really want to play it.
That's exactly what I mean. I didn't know SotN was like that. Now I really want to play it.
All of the castlevania games from PSX up to the DS and PS2 ones are like that.

Off the top of my head it would be Castlevania: symphony of the Night for PSX, Harmony of Dissonance, Circle of the Moon, and Aria of Sorrow for GBA, Aria of Despair, Portrait of Ruin, and Order of Eclessia for DS, and the new spiritual successor being made that is not a Castlevania by name, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Which if I had to guess would play very similar to Order of Eclessia considering both games main characters are raven-haired females with glyphs on them that they use to absorb enemy skills and manifest them into magic spells and weaponry).

The two for PS2 are 3rd-person like Devil May Cry rather than side-scroll like Metroid.
Platformers, definitely. Not just for Mario, but also because I like the Wario Land games, Donkey Kong Country games, other games by Rare in general, etc.
I am not much of a gamer but I love stuff related to horror genre.
Plants vs zombies is my favorite game as of now.

So I will go with horror genre any time :D
I like FPS and RPG games. I like first-person shooters because you can get rid of a lot of stress when you're pumping lead into some random AI/player. RPG games are a great escape for a stressful day. I don't care much for when the two are attempted together. Destiny did pretty well as an FPS MMORPG though. It's not technically just FPS but if you snipe like me you're always aiming down your sights anyway.
Another vote for RPGs. Also, any game where my "numbers" goes up in general, like a Diablo or or Borderlands.

Simulation games as well! Anything where I can see all the little gears in the gameplay and all the tweaks to whatever my strategy is.
I guess I would say RPG, as most of my favorite games are RPGs. But Im not like real hardcore about RPGs or anything. I like any game that has strong characters and character interaction, a cool setting I can get lost in and at least some level of exploration. My favorite game would probly be Skies of Arcadia, and its not so much because of the RPG elements (I hated the random battles : p) but the characters and overworld, and exploring the world with your own ship. I totally became lost in the game, and felt like I was in another world.

These kinda things are usually present in RPGs, so I usually pick them. But not all RPG are like this. Ive played a few that werent like this at all : p I kinda felt that way with Tales of Xillia on PS3, I felt like I just ran forward all the time, waiting for the next cut scene. I dont really like that kinda stuff : /
Normally, I have to play something that has an actual story mode. Otherwise, I end up getting bored with it too quickly and end up ditching the game for something else.
My favorite are RPGs, especially JRPG (Japanese Roleplaying Games). I like them because of the story, and high replay value (long games with often multiple endings etc).
I enjoy FPS games, something about first person interests me. I love action games in general, and playing them in first person point of view makes them much more fun than third person.