Favourite subject in school?


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My favourite subject in school is Art because I just can draw whatever I want as long as it is not offensive and I get decent marks.
I like Art but we don't get to chose anything. Even our art projects have to be based off another artist (hence I had to get another note book because mine's so filled with doodles)

I like orchestra though the teacher uses so many odd metaphors >_< and he doesn't care "If zombies come in and start kissing and liting things on fire we have to count"
"You have to land the gernades on your strings. Throw them, wait don't, thats only my hobby"

I like science, I am a good student in class but I like bomb all of the quizzes >_< the science teacher is cool, he's my favorite teacher (he think's I'm really smart XD)

Langue Arts used to be my fav. I love writing and reading though not school approiate stuff.

I don;t like school, I like to learn but school is WAY to censoared for me