Favoutie/Least Favourite Characters


Insane, but humble
Just say who is your favourite and least favourite character in the video game world.

My favourite is Dry Bones, and I despise Birdo.

Now post yours. (Not nessesarily from the Mario Universe)
Fave: Zant from TP
Least Fave: The Bosses from the Warioworld game... they were freaky as hell... Especially the clown, the cross dressing Dragon, the floating baby with the cold and the Doll
haaaaaaaaah, decisions, decisions....Piers from Golden Sun is my fav.....I don't really have a worst. :/ other than all the players who kick my @$$ in MW 2, i'd say those dang puppet things from SSBB.
My favourite character is um...... shall I just be typical and say "Mario"?
My least favourite characters? Well um.... I "mite" have to think about them... rather "intense"-ly. STUPID LITTLE THINGS! They're like really small, but very powerful. Like one little kick and you're dead... on Intense.... if you suck
... oh yeah, my sister did Boss Battles in Brawl on Intense, got to Galleom, and the first hit was instant-death... HAHAHAHAHA! (Also I got a pathetic 12 KOs in Cruel Brawl

Um... carry on.
Yoshi, of course, is my favorite!

My least? Well, there's a few that fit that description, but it's most probably Tabuu (from Brawl) mainly because he doesn't have much character to him. At least the other characters in Brawl, the playable ones, had some character (King Dedede flicking Bowser on the nose was my favorite cutscene!) but Tabuu really didn't have any character to him at all.
Mario is pretty much my favourite. Least favourites are generic characters (any which don't seem too unique to a series) and the standard hated characters (Bowser Jr, Tingle, the Duck Hunt dog).
Isaac is my most favorite video game character definitely. He's just a complete BAMF. My least favorite character would have to be... THOSE PEASENTS THAT FOLLOW YOU IN ASSASSIN'S CREED. I execute them every single time they come up and try to play music and get in my way.
Isaac is my most favorite video game character definitely. He's just a complete BAMF. My least favorite character would have to be... THOSE PEASENTS THAT FOLLOW YOU IN ASSASSIN'S CREED. I execute them every single time they come up and try to play music and get in my way.