FCC Commissioner to Ban Tiktok


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Carr was prompted to write the letter following a report release recently from BuzzFeed News. Carr describes the report as making clear TikTok developer ByteDance has "repeatedly accessed the sensitive data that TikTok has collected from Americans." One TikTok official even went so far as to say that "Everything is seen in China," which Carr says is directly contradictory to prior statements regarding what data is collected through TikTok's app.

TikTok poses an "unacceptable security risk" due to "Beijing's apparently unchecked access to that sensitive data," according to Carr. His letter would go on to cite what Carr believes to be specific allegations of TikTok failing to comply with Apple App Store and Google Play Store policies. These accusations include circumventing privacy safeguards, accessing passwords and private messages, and lawsuit settlements tied to collecting personal data and where that data is stored.

Why Carr decided to directly contact both Apple and Google instead of working within the FCC to further investigate the issue isn't clear.
I feel users would install Tiktok app from the TikTok Android APK installer file by sideloading it to Android if TikTok got banned on Google Play.
I feel like any logical parent wouldn't have Tiktok on their family's phones especially if it gets banned from the Google and Apple stores and it should have an update to prevent service if it happens to stay on said phones through those routes.
I doubt most of the rabid fanbase would do that really.

I think some users would find a new short video service, or buy a mobile device which has Tiktok preloaded on it, or hire someone to install Tiktok on their Android phone.

Popular TikTok users who have many followers or earn more money from ads and promoting sponsors products like perfume on their TikTok may sideload TikTok on an Andoid phone or switch to another Smartphone or tablet mobile OS like Amazon Fire OS which allow users to install and use TikTok on their phone or tablet.

I think Windows 11 and Linux can now run Android apps, and can sideload Android apps, so users can use a PC to upload Tiktok videos which they recorded with a webcam or video camera.
I think some users would find a new short video service, or buy a mobile device which has Tiktok preloaded on it, or hire someone to install Tiktok on their Android phone.

Popular TikTok users who have many followers or earn more money from ads and promoting sponsors products like perfume on their TikTok may sideload TikTok on an Andoid phone or switch to another Smartphone or tablet mobile OS like Amazon Fire OS which allow users to install and use TikTok on their phone or tablet.

I think Windows 11 and Linux can now run Android apps, and can sideload Android apps, so users can use a PC to upload Tiktok videos which they recorded with a webcam or video camera.
Well YouTube made short videos one after the start of ban so I guess people just move to the other platforms.
I think some users would find a new short video service, or buy a mobile device which has Tiktok preloaded on it, or hire someone to install Tiktok on their Android phone.

Popular TikTok users who have many followers or earn more money from ads and promoting sponsors products like perfume on their TikTok may sideload TikTok on an Andoid phone or switch to another Smartphone or tablet mobile OS like Amazon Fire OS which allow users to install and use TikTok on their phone or tablet.

I think Windows 11 and Linux can now run Android apps, and can sideload Android apps, so users can use a PC to upload Tiktok videos which they recorded with a webcam or video camera.
I doubt most people would go out of their way to use Tik Tok, they’d just move to a different platform. Especially if the users they follow are no longer on the platform.