FCC: Smartphone thefts in the US exceed one million per year


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Ever had a smartphone stolen? You’re not alone — smartphone thefts are a growing problem simply because they’re the most valuable thing most of us are carrying at any time. An FCC report released this week indicated that the number of thefts “considerably exceeds” one million smartphones per year in the United States, but new features like Apple’s Activation Lock are helping to ameliorate the problem.

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It's crazy that so many Smartphone robbers chose a life of crime by stealing people's phones instead of using their time better by going to school to become a carpenter, car mechanic, cook, computer technician, barber, or other job where it takes 1-2 years or a few month if you take a lot of courses each year to get enough credits to graduate. There are also a lot of free online courses and websites for learning to do stuff for people who don't want to go to school, pay to learn, and prefer to learn on their own.

I bet these robbers probably make more money working a full-time minimum wage job like fast food cook where you get a raise, and promotions to manager or better jobs for working hard, and you don't risk going to jail, or being attacked by the smartphone owner, or the police because you stole a phone.
I bet a good chunck of that stolen phones comes from people being drunk and losing track of their phone, or just setting it down and walk away.
People love spending more money on all sorts of cool modern devices.So,of course! Those devices are targeted.

In my university,laptop is compulsory for every student.So,there are lots of ....so called "laptop abduction"...cases here.
Demon_Skeith said:
I bet a good chunck of that stolen phones comes from people being drunk and losing track of their phone, or just setting it down and walk away.
I agree, a good chunk of the stolen phones could be from people drunk, and losing track of their phones, or just forgetting about it.

Some of the missing smartphones may of also gotten stolen when people are high on illegal drugs, or got stolen while buying drugs from a drug dealer since some of the people who deal drugs might also steal phones after selling them drugs on the street.