Festo - SmartBird which is a robotic flying seagull.


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Aerodynamic SmartBird fight model - Bird flight deciphered: http://www.festo.com/smartbird_en

Aerodynamisches Flugmodell SmartBird - Vogelflug entschlüsselt: http://www.festo.com/smartbird_de


SmartBird is an ultralight but powerful flight model with excellent aerodynamic qualities and extreme agility. With SmartBird, Festo has succeeded in deciphering the flight of birds - one of the oldest dreams of humankind.

This bionic technology-bearer, which is inspired by the herring gull, can start, fly and land autonomously -- with no additional drive mechanism. Its wings not only beat up and down, but also twist at specific angles. This is made possible by an active articulated torsional drive unit, which in combination with a complex control system attains an unprecedented level of efficiency in flight operation. Festo has thus succeeded for the first time in creating an energy-efficient technical adaptation of this model from nature.

Festo's YouTube

Awesome, I wonder if there will be a smaller remote control version which people can buy for their kids to play with.