Few GameStop customers know about trades


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If you're a regular shopper at GameStop, you've probably heard it more times than you can count. If you've worked there, you might know the line by heart. "Thank you for choosing GameStop, where we buy and sell used games, how can I help you?"

Although that phrase - and slight variants - might feel to us like they get repeated ad nauseum, GameStop president Tony Bartel told VentureBeat that only 40 percent of the retailer's customers know they can trade in their old products for in-store credit or cash. Bartel says even fewer know they can trade in mobile devices like phones and tablets.

Despite fewer than half of its customers knowing about trade-in options, VentureBeat reports that GameStop saw $1.2 billion in trade credit spent in-store annually, with Bartel claiming that 70 percent of trade credit goes toward purchasing new games. Hey, that reminds us: The Last of Us Remastered is coming out on Tuesday, and GameStop is offering 50 percent off when you trade in a PS3 copy of The Last of Us. You know you can trade in your old games, right?

I wonder how many of them would even know they are ripped off by GS's trades or if this survey knows if they trade via online for better deals.
Sure, you can trade to Gamestop... But you get screwed so hard for it. Still if you're hard up for cash, have a bunch of games you don't want (and either never play or wouldn't mind parting with) and want some new games then I guess it could be worth it.

Though at the same time, I can also kinda see where they're coming from (at times) since some games people want to trade are so old and worthless. I mean people trading in their 4 year old sports titles thinking they're going to get more than a dollar. I mean really, the bins are already flooded with older sports games. Why would you ever think you're going to get any amount of money for it. 

Plus people tend to treat their games like shit. (Some look like people get bored and take a belt sander to their discs... ) So they have to go off and be refurbished (if they aren't too badly damaged that is). And of course that costs the store money to do that. 
One thing I learned is that gamestop does give good money for hot titles that are brought back pretty quickly. I didn't like CoD ghosts so I took it back like 2 and half months after buying it and I got $35 for it which is just about the amount I would have gotten online.
Demon_Skeith said:
One thing I learned is that gamestop does give good money for hot titles that are brought back pretty quickly. I didn't like CoD ghosts so I took it back like 2 and half months after buying it and I got $35 for it which is just about the amount I would have gotten online.
Gamestop doesn't give good money for any titles not just the hot ones, I understand they need to make money but sometimes they go too far.