株式会社スクウェア・エニックスのプレスリリース(2024年4月19日 11時01分)「ゲームマーケット2024春」出展決定のおしらせ
Translated by siliconera:
Square Enix revealed that it is working on a new board game based on Final Fantasy XII. Its tentative title is Final Fantasy: The Six Moogle Siblings’ Mob Hunt, although this name is not finalized yet. The FFXII board game will be available to test at Game Market 2024 Spring.
Square Enix has yet to publish images of the full set, but the card descriptions hint that there will also be some tokens included. Here are the translations for the six cards Square Enix has shared so far:
- Montblanc: [When the game ends] +2VP on victory
- Van (a.k.a. Vaan): [Face side] This card can be moved to other fields during your own turn.
- Morbol (a.k.a. Malboro): [When the game ends] Place a fatigue token on cards with original power of 7 or more when the game ends.
- Hurdy: [Face side] Draw a card, and then send a card from hand to the bottom of deck.
- Panelo (a.k.a. Penelo): [When the game ends] Remove all fatigue tokens from your own cards in this field. No more fatigue tokens can be placed in the future.
- Pylraster: Nullify all [When the game ends] text in cards.