Other FIFA Getting Salty with EA on the Split


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Read from Kotaku:

“I can assure you that the only authentic, real game that has the FIFA name will be the best one available for gamers and football fans,” are the words FIFA President, Gianni Infantino, mired in controversy and scandal, actually wrote in a press release. “The FIFA name is the only global, original title. FIFA 23, FIFA 24, FIFA 25 and FIFA 26, and so on - the constant is the FIFA name and it will remain forever and remain THE BEST.”

It certainly sounds like, in addition to other licensed projects, FIFA intends to keep releasing a game called FIFA, with or without EA’s help.

The interactive gaming and esports sector is on a path of unrivalled growth and diversification. FIFA’s strategy is to ensure we can make the most of all future options and ensure a wide range of products and opportunities for gamers, fans, member associations and partners.

Alongside the new games, FIFA has granted a new short-term extension to existing publisher EA SPORTS to launch a new FIFA 23 title later this year, which will feature the men’s and women’s FIFA World Cup competitions in one edition for the first time.

The recently confirmed extension with EA SPORTS is a new arrangement that grants rights for the simulation football category only, freeing up broader gaming rights for FIFA and different gaming publishers to launch new games and more deeply immersive experiences for fans and football stakeholders.

This new, non-exclusive licensing model follows on from an extended period of discussions between the parties relating to FIFA’s future gaming vision. As announced in October 2021, FIFA intends to work with a range of partners rather than lock up all gaming and esports rights exclusively with one publisher for the long term.
It's going to be tough for anyone to start a football game from scratch. Even though EA are an awful company, the majority of the game is pretty good to be fair
No kidding, programming all the teams will be hard unless they take short cuts and that just leads to a broken game.
They're also going to have a licensing problem that PES also suffered from. The big teams and leagues work with EA and I doubt even a company working with FIFA are going to be able to take that away from them