Final Fantasy 13's PC resolution mod - Comparison video


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Yet another PC title has been upscaled by modder Durante's handy GeDoSaTo tool, mere hours after its launch. To see the PC version of Final Fantasy XIII, which is locked at a native 720p, running at 1080p using the mod, check out this comparison video.

This looks like a good graphics mod for people who want to play FF13 on PC at 1080P resolution.
I'm guessing thats why this game is a total of 60GB download?
Demon_Skeith said:
I'm guessing thats why this game is a total of 60GB download?
according to the description FF13 resolution is locked to 720P on PC, but this mod unlocks the resolution to Full HD which is 1080P. I think it is 60GB because it is just a port of FF13 from the PS3 version which is stored on Blu-Ray disc. Blu-Ray Disc has a maximum storage space about 50GB.

I guest FF13 PC graphics resolution settings were originally set to 1080P, but Square decides to lock it to 720P, so more slower PCs can play it, or Sony or Microsoft did not want the PC version to look a lot better than the console version becuase the PC version 1080P graphics look too good, and may decrease the sales of the console version, or make some people not buy the PS4 and Xbox One consoles because older games like FF13 at 1080P looks better than some newer games on the PS4 and Xbox One because the PS4 and Xbox One has slow down problems running some games at 1080P at 60 frames per second while the PC can run games at 1080P at over 60 FPS.