Review Final Fantasy 14: The Ultimate Review Announcement


Staff member
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Coming To Gridania: 3/5

Coming To Limsa Lominsa: 3/5

Coming To Ul'dah: 3/5

These three quests are barely different from each other. They all act the exact same way, you talk to a guard, the guard directs you to head to the adventurers guild, you arrive at the adventurers guild, you talk to the head of the adventurers guild.

This is the opening quest for the MMO, Final Fantasy 14. It's a alright quest that introduces you to the world, nothing to complain about.

And yet, for some reason, I did the quest three times just to see which version is the best.

I have created three characters for the sole purpose of doing this, reviewing every Final Fantasy 14 main story quest.

I've started here because it's the beginning, and you will soon learn my opinion on every other quest in Final Fantasy 14.

This is a massive, painstaking task that requires me to play through three different characters.

My review score is the following:

1= Terrible
2= Mediocre
3= Average
4= Good
5= Great

Stay tuned for more.
Got a lot to review for 14 since its so big right?
So are you playing as one of the PLOT Viera Bunnies lol

Because I'd rather make ridiculous and absurd looking characters.

you could marry your ridiculous and absurd looking character to a hawt Viera PLOT Bunny waifu in the game lol the wedding ceremony would be hilarious lol
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